Please fill out this contact form; note that all fields labeled with an asterisk (*) are required.

First and Last Name
(or Company Name):
Address: *
Zip Code: *
City: *
State / Country: *
Phone: *
Mobile Phone:
E-mail: *
We inform you that as for law decree n.196/2003 on Privacy, Agiplast Srl will treat all your data in respect of Privacy law and they will be used only for fulfilling the contact (providing of the services that this structure offers). Any refusal to give this information would mean not being able to provide the services of boarding/lodging.

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Agiplast Srl - Costruzioni Termoplastiche
Via G. Di Vittorio, 10
20030 Bovisio Masciago (Milano) - Telefono 0362 558547 Fax 0362 559240